Curd Quips

Culpeper Cheese Company
Seasonal Shelf Refresh

Seasonal Shelf Refresh

We love our tried-and-true offerings—there’s a reason they're always in the shop! But we are always thrilled to discover new products and are so excited about some of the recent additions to our shelves! That we can connect them to the Beatles is just the parmesan on...

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Living Like It’s Earth Day, Everyday

Living Like It’s Earth Day, Everyday

We love any excuse to celebrate. Surrounded by the selection of cheese, wine, beer, and more that we offer, how could we not? It’s Tuesday? Break out the Thomasville Tomme. Sun shining makes us smile? Let’s have a sumptuous stout. The good food and drink we surround...

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Have You Been to Our New Location?

Have You Been to Our New Location?

Culpeper Cheese Company We are excited to announce our new home. Built in 1961, 306 South Main Street spoke to us as an ideal location. Parking, visibility and a huge kitchen with a walk-in cooler that’s located a few paces to Davis Street. The building has been...

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Memorial Day & The Grilling is Cheesy

Memorial Day & The Grilling is Cheesy

Cheese is ready to hit the grill for this weekend’s traditional start of the grilling season.  Admittedly, the notion of cheese, alone, on the grill can puzzle even the most experienced grill masters.  Won’t it just melt through the grates? The easiest answer to that...

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A Cheese By Any Other Name

A Cheese By Any Other Name

Long before the advent of social media, the naming conventions of wines and cheeses were crafted to create a message as to their identity.  A message that could easily be recalled and, through taste association, deliver a brand identity. Europeans have a long history...

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Thank A Mom For Your Cheeses

Thank A Mom For Your Cheeses

The color of stale peanut butter and thick and fudgy in texture, Gjetost (Yay–toast) is a cheese that does little to attract newcomers.  If, like me, you are not Norwegian, this brown cheese is easily passed by on sight alone.  It’s also hard to find - after all, who...

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Not Quite Cheese, But, Oh So Good

Not Quite Cheese, But, Oh So Good

It’s not a cheese, but just what is it?  The space between milk and cheese is a fluid space where cultures (that’s a good thing) may have been added, but it’s not yet cheese.  Why? Milk needs to coagulate to be considered cheese.    So what are these milky outliers?...

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Curds Make Whey For Barley & Hops

Curds Make Whey For Barley & Hops

The relationship between beer and cheese is a high-wire act. It’s a narrow walk between contrast and complement.  Between sweet and sour or, in other terms, like the songwriting of John Lennon and Paul McCartney that brings out the best in both. Consider the edginess...

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A Little Cheese Can Go A Long Way

A Little Cheese Can Go A Long Way

Say cheese and you may think of wedges on a plate to be served before (or after) a meal, but in truth cheese belongs at every meal.  Consider breakfast. In Norway, I was introduced to the idea of “in and out foods.”  A concept to greet a busy family’s day without the...

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